Absent blogger I have been for the last month... it's just been crazy. Between school coming to an end for the year and my brother's wedding in Arizona, I haven't had much time for blogging and even knitting for that matter. Boy, life sure can interrupt a persons knitting can't it?
My daughter Hailey and I had a fun trip to Tucson, AZ for the wedding. One of the highlights of our trip was visiting Unique Designs by Kathy (http://www.uniquedesignsbykathy.com/ and http://www.uniquedeisgnsbykathy.blogspot.com/) and her farm (which she took us on a short tour of). Some of the animals we saw were alpacas, llamas, sheep, ducks, angora goats and angora rabbits. After the quick tour we got to hang out in her shop/studio. What an artist she is... she has amazing custom yarns, lots of roving and wonderful felted and knitted designs on display in her shop. She customizes in unique yarns she creates and spins herself. I could have spent hours in there looking through every single strand of yarn she had. Since I was with family though I had to cut it short. But I didn't get out of there without buying some wonderful yarn first.
Kathy also let us take a look at her studio... I was in heaven with the overwhelming amount of roving that was waiting to be spun and in awe of her giant machines (see pictures). It was truly inspirational to see the artistry behind the yarn and to hear her story. If you get a chance, check out her website and her blog and consider making a purchase from her (you won't be disappointed). Summer in Tucson and 100 degree heat, well let's just say they don't get too many visitors this time of year and the animals still need to be fed and kept cool. My purchase covered the cost of feeding her animals for only one day.
My next trip to Tucson will definitely include another stop at her shop. On top of selling her amazing yarns, she also offers classes and even offered to teach me how to use a drop spindle for free. The roving I bought from her is really beautiful, I'll have to wait on posting a picture until I can get a good shot outside to show the true color. It is a beautiful green with other colors mixed in. If you ever get to Tucson make sure you have this farm on your list of stops. It was really fun!
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