Thursday, February 17, 2011

Knitting Retreat...

Today was the first day of the Madrona Fiber Arts yearly retreat.  Last year I only took one class and I really wasn't that impressed.  But, this year I decided to try again and take more classes.  Today was my first class and it was a mini class on blocking your knits.  Considering I have about 7 projects waiting to be blocked I thought maybe this class would give me the inspiration to go to work on those projects.  I have to say, it was a GREAT class.  I learned some things I already knew but I learned a lot of things I didn't know about.  The instructor was wonderful, the 1-1/2 time frame was perfect and I walked out of there feeling like "I can do it".  I don't have any pictures to post from today but I hope to have all my finished, blocked, perfect sweaters done in the next few weeks so that I can finally show them off.

Now I need to go get some sleep... must get up bright and early and ready to learn some wonderful new things about socks!!