Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know I'm a little late but Happy New Year! Ringing in the new year brought out many emotions in me this year, not sure why. I contemplated making a whole list of new year's resolutions that would ultimately not be followed through on. Seems to be my motto these days, come up with wonderful ideas, start new projects and not complete them. So, my one and only new year's resolution this year is just to FINISH things that I start. I figured with only having one resolution I should be able to keep it. Did you make any new year's resolutions this year? I would love to hear what they are.

Christmas came and went pretty quick, as it does every year. After months and months of knitting mostly hats, and the rush of trying to get them all done before Christmas, I didn't quite know what to do with myself or what project to start next after the holidays. I've never felt like that before when it comes to knitting. I always have in the back of my mind what I want to do next. I found myself at a loss, it was an odd feeling. Then the inspiration came back to me once my wonderful knitting group started back up. What wonderful and inspirational ladies I knit with. Lisa, the awesome designer who always has a project or two (or three or four) going that inspires me to move beyond my comfort zone and is always so positive. Sue, the most incredible sweater knitter who always has an answer for everything imaginable (and a never ending list of favorite patterns on ravelry which I enjoy stealing from her :). Kristen, always full of wonderful ideas, is so insightful and inspires me to be a better person. And, last but not least, Leslie, the beginner, who is really becoming a wonderful knitter. It's been fun watching her go from scarves to sweaters. These women bring a smile to my face every week. It has been such a pleasure knitting with them for the last couple of years and I look forward to many more. It really is true (as corny as it sounds) that knitting can change a persons life. The gift of fun and friendship that is formed is priceless. My life has been forever changed and I THANK YOU!

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