I forgot to show and tell my new yarn I purchased at the Woodland Park Zoo.
Yes, you heard me right, from the ZOO. Can you believe that? My daughter's class went on a field trip in June and towards the end of the trip I got a phone call from best buddy Lisa Ellis (who was also on the trip) asking me if I had been by the yarn. I thought she was joking... but she wasn't. Over by the snow leopards was a display of yarn. So, you know me, the mere mention of the word "yarn" put me in a frenzy to find it. She was told there should be some in the gift shop so off I went (tyring not to run) to the shop. I had to see this yarn for myself. When we finally reached the shop I was pleasantly surprised at this gorgeous hand spun camel wool yarn. I found a color in a pretty shade of brown that I just loved. It wasn't cheap but I talked myself into it anyway. After all, my purchase did help support the snow leopard conservation and "help improve the livelihood of the impoverished nomadic herding women and families". How could I say "no" (as much as my husband probably wanted me to). I can't wait to knit this up... maybe a gorgeous hat or mittens? We shall see!
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