As darkness falls I always find myself getting a second wind and can't seem to find my way to bed before 1:00 AM on a daily basis. Why is this? Fear of the dark? Fear of the horrible thoughts rolling around inside my head? Fear of everything because of all the violence on TV? Ghosts in my house? Or, can I just not get knitting out of my head? I'm not sure really... tonight I really did try to sleep but laid in bed for 2 hours before finally working my way downstairs to my computer (and eventually my coffee). Thank goodness for Ravelry to keep my mind on fun, exciting projects I can work on instead of the crazy, horrible thoughts that always seem to pop out at night. Tonight I found a fun blog, thestraightmaleknitter.blogspot.com, that kept me pretty entertained. It's refreshing to read a male perspective on knitting. I'm looking forward to following this blog and seeing what posts come next.