Thursday, February 18, 2010


I had the strangest, and funniest, dream the other night...

I dreamt that I was at a silent auction where I had knit several sweaters (3 to be exact) being auctioned off. I had worked hard on these sweaters and my husband was horrified that I was just "giving them away", he thought I should keep them for myself. During the auction people were admiring the sweaters and a good friend of mine went around and picked each one up to inspect them. She made a point of pointing out every little flaw and a few things I had "forgot" to finish on them (which is funny because I would never display anything that wasn't finished). And, if you knew this person you would know that she is NOT one to ever say anything bad to anyone or about their knitting (she is the most encouraging person I know so I thought this was amusing too). Anyway, at the end of the auction one person had won all 3 sweaters for a price of $575. Upon check out I wanted to see who had won them and paid so much money, it was my husband! He had actually paid $575 for me to keep them, what a guy huh? What makes this really funny, and you have to know me and my husband, is that would never happen.

So, what was the point of this dream? I'm not sure. Did I just have knitting on my brain that night before I went to sleep or was that dream trying to tell me something? Hmmm........ you tell me!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This year I had the pleasure of experiencing Madrona classes for the first time. On Saturday I took a mitre sock class with my good friend Lisa Ellis. I have knitted mitre squares before and I was very curious how to incorporate that into socks. Well, let's just say I was a bit surprised. First, I do have to say that the instructor was really very nice. Second, on a sadder note, I wasn't impressed with the class. I did love seeing all her beautiful designs and how mitres were incorporated into different garments, but the class was just basically following the pattern and asking for help when needed. I think it was something I could have done on my own and saved a little bit of money. I am, however, looking forward to making a small purse that was also included with the sock/booties pattern. I did have a great time shopping in the marketplace and seeing and feeling all the beautiful yarn. I am very happy to say that I kept my wallet closed and walked out with only a Lantern Moon turtle tape measure. For those of you who know how big my stash is you would have been very impressed with me :) I know I am...

I think I will considering taking some more classes next year. Maybe something that will challenge me a little bit more or teach me something new. If you have never gone before check it out. It is worth it if you would really like to further your knitting skills. I look forward to next year!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day...

I've never been much into Valentine's Day, after all, my husband should express his love for me all year long right? I think Valentine's Day is one BIG commercial for retailers. I do get something for my kids though, they are kids and they love it. Today I was reading an email from Kathleen Cubley from Knitting Daily and I loved what she had to say :

Celebrate Your Love Affair with Knitting

When most people talk about their Valentine, they're usually talking about a person. Well, one of my Valentines this year is going to be to my knitting! I love it so much, let me count the ways:

1. It fills my life with color.
2. It encourages my creativity.
3. It keeps my hands busy.
4. It introduces me to new people who share my love for the craft.
5. It loves to travel.
6. It likes the same TV shows that I like.
7. It keeps the same schedule as I do; if I want to knit in the middle of the night, it's there for me.
8. It likes to change bags as much as I do!
9. It challenges me.
10. It keeps me company, even when I'm cranky.

Can you put it any better than that? I think every year I will now be following in her footsteps with my new Valentine's Day motto!