October has hit with a vengeance and I'm beginning to wonder if I am in over my head! Sink or swim right? I'm going to try my hardest to swim, swim, swim. I recently signed up for an online tech editing class. Thought I would dabble in design myself or helping designers with their patterns. Well, I got my first assignment and I'm trying not to laugh. What was I thinking? Positive ease, negative ease, sleeve caps, schematics... my mind is whirling. But, I CAN do it... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. After all, this doesn't look complicated does it?

Along with the tech editing class I also signed up for a photography class at my local community college. This class was supposed to be a "beginning" digital photography class to learn the in's and out's of the digital camera. According to the class description we would learn how all the functions and settings work on the camera (which I desperately need). I was excited for this class because my manual for my camera is so hard to follow and understand. Well, I was sure in for a surprise... during the first class, and I've only taken one, the instructor spent almost the entire first hour talking about himself, HIS business, how HE takes pictures, showing HIS samples and talking about HIS business. At the end of the class I had not learned a thing and I walked out of there more frustrated than when I went in. On top of all this I am swamped with many school and knitting things, kids that have a never ending "I want" list and PMS. Let's just say that October has hit like a hurricane... I sure hope the forces die down soon or my husband might have to commit me to Western State Hospital :) But hey, I could get some good drugs and some much needed rest right? After all, it's only 30 minutes away and they could visit me on the weekends :) Or maybe I should just make myself on of these for Mommy "time-outs". What do you think?