Monday, June 29, 2009
I have a feeling I won't get much knitting done this month. My hands are busy getting my stuff ready for the Tacoma Rainier's Stitch-n-Pitch event on the 22nd. I hope you all can make it out for this fun event. I can't wait to show everyone the wonderful gadgets my sister and I have been working on for you. I hope everyone likes them, you may one day see them in your local yarn shop. The event is July 22nd at 7:00, 15 booths will be set up for your shopping pleasure along with an all-you-can-eat and drink buffet which include beer, wine and soda. Kristeen Grimes will be there signing her books and throwing out the first pitch AND Sonja from Yorkshire Yarns will be singing the National Anthem. Hope to see you there... don't forget to stop by our booth... Simazen Things!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Peace Scarf...
I just realized I probably should post more about the peace scarf I have pictured just below. This scarf is double knitted which was a new technique for me to learn. For some reason I caught on really quick with the cast-on the first time, now that I've tried to start a second one my brain seems to have froze up one me :( Oh well... the double knitting technique was pretty easy for me to follow until I got to the peace pattern. I think I ripped it out at least 5 times before I somewhat got it right, not because of the pattern though, the pattern was good. It's still a little confusing for me but I'm slowly catching on. I think that is why it is taking me forever to get going on it. Anyway, the pattern is on If you are a member here is the link, I'm just using some leftover Paton's yarn from my slippers. I'm thinking this was probably a mistake because I will need more yarn to finish unless I just chalk this one up as a "practice" run.
Boring knitting week...

It has been a slow knitting week so I don't really have much to say. The best part of the week was finishing up my test knit for Lisa and I just LOVE the new hat. I finally finished the second sock I've had sitting around for months (the red/orange one in the post below). I'm so glad that one is finally done. Today the kids and I went to the Taste of Tacoma and I saw a lady in a booth that was knitting. She had the cutest little creations, large felted veggies with eyes and everything, a lady bug and other types of little critters. They were pretty cute. Hailey really liked them and said "you can make those Mom". I've never been to the Taste of Tacoma, it was pretty fun. We ate lunch and listened to music, the kids played a couple of games and went in a fun house. The weater was perfect, not to hot... just right.
I've been sitting here tonight wondering what to start on next, debating finishing up some old projects or starting something new. Everyone seems to be in a bad mood tonight though so maybe I should make them all go to bed. Then I could have some peace and quiet to start a new project.
Been missing my knitting group this week. Can't wait for Wednesday, we are meeting at the beach since the kids are out of school and maybe I will have a new project to show off. Or, I can keep plugging away at Hailey's Jonas Brothers scarf (pictured above) so she won't keep bugging me, I have a very long way to go though. I wanted to have it done before the concert this Sunday, lol, that ain't happening... guess I better stock up on my Excedrin and get my earplugs tomorrow :) Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bad doggie...
My little dog Diego is officially on my knitting "s..t" list... he got a hold of my cable needle and chewed the thing into three pieces. I was wondering where that sucker went. I guess I should feel lucky that it was the only thing he chewed up because my row counter also somehow ended up under the couch. Guess I need to quit starting so many new projects, I've forgotten where I put them all and my supplies are all over the house. I'm considering diagnosing myself with some form of adult ADD (lol). I have too many things rolling around in my wee little brain right now with all the end of the year stuff going on. Remember that old commercial "Calgon take me away"? Right about now I'm thinking "Southwest or Alaska Air take me away".
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Testing, testing...
Last night I started a test knit for my friend Lisa ( and I LOVE it. It is a hat made with Mini Mochi in a mix of greens called "Fern". The colors are gorgeous and the pattern is wonderful, easy to remember but with enough interest to keep you knitting even though I'm using a size 2 needle. Can't wait to see it done in a worsted weight too.
At my knitting group today we heard all about Lisa's trip to TNNA and I can't wait to see all the new yarns, colors and patterns coming out this fall. I'll be posting a picture of my hat as soon as I can. It's a beauty! You can see a picture of Lisa's hat at
At my knitting group today we heard all about Lisa's trip to TNNA and I can't wait to see all the new yarns, colors and patterns coming out this fall. I'll be posting a picture of my hat as soon as I can. It's a beauty! You can see a picture of Lisa's hat at
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Yorkshire Yarns...
Today I ventured out to Lakewood to see Yorkshire Yarns new shop and it is beautiful. It was great to see Sonja again and congratulate her on the new space. What a great space it is too, nice and open. I was also able to pick up the yarn I needed to finish a couple of projects so I'm excited about that, especially since I can now finish my own pair of flip flops.
I also made my first trip to Trader Joe's in University Place, I think I can get used to this store. I was getting bored with grocery shopping so it was nice to see some new stuff and to try out some new foods that will be healthier for us. Now... kids are settled in from school and eating their snacks so it's on to a little knitting for me, or maybe I should do some laundry. Ah, who needs clean underwear anyway, where are my knitting needles:)
I also made my first trip to Trader Joe's in University Place, I think I can get used to this store. I was getting bored with grocery shopping so it was nice to see some new stuff and to try out some new foods that will be healthier for us. Now... kids are settled in from school and eating their snacks so it's on to a little knitting for me, or maybe I should do some laundry. Ah, who needs clean underwear anyway, where are my knitting needles:)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
World Wide Knit In Public Day...
Did you attend a WWKIP day event? I did... with two of my knittiing buddies, Sue and Kristen. Lisa was away at TNNA so she missed out. We decided to drive up to Renaissance Yarns at Kent Station, they were knitting outside in the center courtyard. It was a lot of fun, they were even filming a commercial while we were there. We started the day with shopping at their store, headed over for coffee (best white chocolate mocha I have ever had) and on to the courtyard for 3 hours of knitting. Topped the day off with another yummy lunch at the RAM... thanks Sue for sharing your BBQ pork pulled sliders, it was delicious. And, of course, we had to have the sweet potato fries again (I think I'm officially addicted to those suckers). It was a great "girls" day out! Sue and Kristen, you guys are the best. Thanks for the laughter and for always keeping a smile on my face!
I actually started working again on a pair of socks that I originally began in January (I think I had second sock syndrome with this pair). I'm now determined to finish them today (lol, but Quinton keeps on me about starting his slippers). I also purchased some more of the Punta merisoft space dyed yarn from Renaissance to make more gloves that will be added to my stash pile for gifts. I just love that yarn.
Well... whatever you did today I hope that you were able to get in some knitting. It was a beautiful day here in Washington, I hope it was in your neck of the woods too. Enjoy your Sunday!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Finished bag...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Busy, busy, busy...
It seems June crept up on me so fast and I have so much to do before the end of the school year. I'm working on several teacher projects, market/beach bags and I'm starting some test knitting for my dear friend Lisa Ellis. She's working on her new fall patterns and I can't wait to see them all (,
I'm using some yarns now I have never used before, Hempathy for my Medano Beach Bag ( and Araucania Ulmo Multy for my market bag ( I love both yarns but I really LOVE the Hempathy. It's actually nice to work with and I've heard it washes up really nice. Sure wish I was heading to TNNA with Lisa so I could see all the new yarns coming out. Should be a fun fall.
On a family note... the kids and I went and saw the new Disney movie yesterday, UP. It was a really fun movie, the kids loved it. I highly recommend it! Now on to my knitting...
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